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Wireless back with boiling summer line-up

8th-10th July, the second weekend into the sizzling summer month will see this well known and sure to be hash tagged festival return with the likes of Calvin Harris, Chase & Status, J.Cole, and many more chart toppers.  Jess Glynne will be one of the Sunday’s highlights. She wasn’t able to embrace the 2015 festival scene to it’s fullest due to vocal surgery.  This year, however, as she recently told Grimmy on his breakfast show ‘is her year for festivals, and she’s very excited’. We are too!  We anticipate everyone will be talking so much about this annual event that UK throat surgeons may have a few more patients to add to their list!

Located in Finsbury Park, London.  If your thinking, ‘oh god, where’s that?’ Don’t fear, its not one of those remote places that take two buses and a cab ride. Finsbury has it’s own tube station just a three minute walk away.

Ticketmaster is unleashing these baking hot passes from just £62.50.  Been there and done that? Why not treat yourself for a winter of hard work with a VIP ticket.  From £220 you can soak the sunrays up in the private guest area with fancy garden seating a great view of the pop prince and princesses.  You'll have access to the VIP viewing platform which faces the main stage and has seats should you get tired from too much dancing. Lets not forget the complimentary bar, which allows you to have up to ten drinks. There's also cloakrooms! So girls, you don’t have to worry about forcing everything into your crossbody that can barley hold more than a hairbrush and lip-liner.

For those of you that are all about the acts rather than the other going-ons, then the standing viewing platform could be for you.  From just £115 you can get your ticket as well as access to the VIP national viewing platform for you to get up close and personal with your favorites.  The package also gives you access to a private bar and toilets!

If you live quite far from the capital and thinking of coming down and making a weekend of it but want to do other things in the city, Wireless have a lot of different ticket options that allows you to be flexible with what you want to do. You'll also find there are major headliners on all three days. PLUS, the school holidays wouldn't have started yet so it's your last chance to grab some reasonable hotel prices. 

Wireless have teamed up with the big green coach company to help you to improve your festival experience.  They leave after the music finishes so you won’t have to worry about missing any acts, plus your save the hassle of traffic and huge parking fees.  They're going from all the major towns this year, including Birmingham, Portsmouth , Southampton and many more. Visit the website to see how easy it is for you to jump on board.

With sponsors such as Pepsi Max and Smirnoff, it’s sure to drive more web traffic than Jeremy Mcconnell and Stephanie Davie’s love life shenanigans. Big names like Lily Allen and Brooklyn Beckham were spotted last year, you never know who you might meet.


Go on, get your tickets: http://www.ticketmaster.co.uk/ wireless


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