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Free Periods Party


About this Event

This whole period thing is really cramping our style. We don’t want to ovary-act but we want to change things.

Our Period Party is an event to raise awareness of the issues behind taxed sanitary products and period poverty. The fact of the matter is that periods are unavoidable. Sanitary products should be treated as an essential just like toilet paper, soap or even condoms all of which are available for free at the University.

This is why as ELA officer I will lobby the University to provide free sanitary products in all study spaces and student health. Agree? Sign the petition here: https://tinyurl.com/ybh2wasb

With the Free Period Campaign coming to an end we are hosting a Period Party on Friday 13th October from 6:30pm at the Balloon Bar.

What to expect;

• Guest Speakers from 'The Homeless Period', Bristol Women's Voice, a speaker on the Trans Period and Molly Scott Cato (Green Party MEP)

• Music

• Games & Activities with a chance to win period related prizes (exciting ikr) including a free Mooncup

• Period themed baked goodies (Supplied by Baking Society)

• Opportunity to meet and join student support & activist groups

Bristol SU, Richmond Building, 105 Queens Road, Richmond Building, 105 Queens Road,, Bristol BS8 1LN