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Booking Enquiry



About this Event

Science Slams are speech contests of young scientists of all fields. It's on the one hand science communication, but also scientific entertainment / science entertainment.

This will be the first Science Slam EVER in London and England (and the second in the UK, since on July 17th 2013 there was the first in Glasgow).

Each participant has to present his or her own scientific work in an entertaining and understandable way. But: in a maximum time of ten minutes!

The slammers are free in how to present. They can give a traditional (e.g. power point) presentation, but also sing, dance, act, or pantomime their project.

Eligible to become participant is everybody with own scientific results. Bachelor, Master or PhD projects, but also young PostDocs.

The audience will choose the winner by applause.

Entrance fee will be £7

Reduction for students: £5

Tickets are sold at the box office as well as via www.wegottickets.com

More information is available at:



Proud, The Horse Hospital Stables Market Chalk Farm Road The Horse Hospital Stables Market Chalk Farm Road, Camden, Greater London NW1 8AH