

We have a brand new cocktail range and it's 2 for 1 all day every day on many of the range – so why wait for the weekend? Don’t miss our own flavour vodka shots – Choose from 8 great flavours - share them around with a paddle of shots for even better value. We’ve added new World beers on draught and in bottles too.

The real hero is our Yates on Tap range. Choose a wine sparkler – a flute freshly fizzed pink or white wine, or a fruity alcoholic Hard Soda made to our exclusive recipe or cool down with one of our Frozen drinks all served from the tap.

Our wine list covers all the bases too – check out our 'In the Pink' deal – all our pinks at only £9.95 every evening.
Venue: Location: Expires:
Yates Colchester Colchester, Essex Sun, 31st Aug 2014

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